Brickmakers Index- Database Information
he Brickmakers Index - Database Information. Rev September 1998.
The database is run on the computer 'ACCESS' software programme. To give an idea of the database the following refers to the information available.
The full database consists of the following fields.
Three name fields - Forename, Middlenames, Surname.
Four Address fields - Address (Address of residence or brickfield), Parish, Location (County and/or Country) and County which is the Chapman code field,
Five trade fields - Trade1, Trade2, Trade3, Trade4, Trade5. The reason for five trade fields is because the brickmakers frequently had other occupations; from farmer to lime burner.
Six Source and Year fields - Source1 & Year1 are linked and there are 6 sets of Source & Year Fields.
Four Remarks fields - Remarks1 - Usually contains Place & date of birth plus date of death, Remarks2 - Usually contains information about their family, Remarks3 - Usually contains information about the brickfield or wages of the brickmaker, Remarks4 - Any additional information.
Correspondence - Usually contains information for the compiler to be able to locate the correspondence details of someone researching that Brickmaker.
Other fields: -
Marks (Any known Brick marks), Wanted (request for additional information reminder), Works (a field to be able to quickly sort by works, residence or directory address), Mapref (the O.S. national grid reference if known), Products (details of the clay products made by companies).
The Print out of the index gives only the names and addresses with the years from the sources. This printed format is taken to family history meetings and events for the members investigation. The source years allows one to get some idea of the operational dates. There are at present over 4000 pages covering over 80,000 entries. This printout excludes the entries for address with a 'not known' (N/k) entry for the name fields. These n/k entries are those generally of the Brickfields and Brickworks.
A typical query print out sheet. This is produced in answer to a written enquiry and normally is for name and location of any particular surname. A query for any enquiry can be created and the extent of the information given will depend on the nature of the enquiry. I can produce a tidier printout for the query in a report format but the straight query format is the quickest. I usually us the query format in landscape, sticking the pages together to displace all the fields and write my reply on the blank section of the sheet(s) when I have a further comments to make to the enquiry. The field widths being reduced or increased as the information dictates.
The 'FORM' printout of data for a selected brickmaker. It is possible to print out the whole database in this form, but it would take too many pages to be practical. This gives a single page for each entry.
The full data printout of the "Brickmakers Index". As some of the remarks' fields contain notes and contact information I do not make this print out available. There are too many pages to this printout report to make it a worthwhile of late to use this format.
It is possible to extract information by parish, parishes or county showing all the Brickmakers of that area. This can then be printed as an A5 booklet in the form of a Gazetteer. Because of the format of the database a Gazetteer for any area, source or other heading can be produced. There are already 'queries' designed to extract information by county.
The fields are designed to use the GENMAP software, genealogical mapping programme by Stephen Archer. A map of the UK can be produced in either county fill or dot distribution format. Alternatively a snapshot of a county showing the dot distribution with parish names can be produced.
The database is run on the computer 'ACCESS' software programme. To give an idea of the database the following refers to the information available.
The full database consists of the following fields.
Three name fields - Forename, Middlenames, Surname.
Four Address fields - Address (Address of residence or brickfield), Parish, Location (County and/or Country) and County which is the Chapman code field,
Five trade fields - Trade1, Trade2, Trade3, Trade4, Trade5. The reason for five trade fields is because the brickmakers frequently had other occupations; from farmer to lime burner.
Six Source and Year fields - Source1 & Year1 are linked and there are 6 sets of Source & Year Fields.
Four Remarks fields - Remarks1 - Usually contains Place & date of birth plus date of death, Remarks2 - Usually contains information about their family, Remarks3 - Usually contains information about the brickfield or wages of the brickmaker, Remarks4 - Any additional information.
Correspondence - Usually contains information for the compiler to be able to locate the correspondence details of someone researching that Brickmaker.
Other fields: -
Marks (Any known Brick marks), Wanted (request for additional information reminder), Works (a field to be able to quickly sort by works, residence or directory address), Mapref (the O.S. national grid reference if known), Products (details of the clay products made by companies).
The Print out of the index gives only the names and addresses with the years from the sources. This printed format is taken to family history meetings and events for the members investigation. The source years allows one to get some idea of the operational dates. There are at present over 4000 pages covering over 80,000 entries. This printout excludes the entries for address with a 'not known' (N/k) entry for the name fields. These n/k entries are those generally of the Brickfields and Brickworks.
A typical query print out sheet. This is produced in answer to a written enquiry and normally is for name and location of any particular surname. A query for any enquiry can be created and the extent of the information given will depend on the nature of the enquiry. I can produce a tidier printout for the query in a report format but the straight query format is the quickest. I usually us the query format in landscape, sticking the pages together to displace all the fields and write my reply on the blank section of the sheet(s) when I have a further comments to make to the enquiry. The field widths being reduced or increased as the information dictates.
The 'FORM' printout of data for a selected brickmaker. It is possible to print out the whole database in this form, but it would take too many pages to be practical. This gives a single page for each entry.
The full data printout of the "Brickmakers Index". As some of the remarks' fields contain notes and contact information I do not make this print out available. There are too many pages to this printout report to make it a worthwhile of late to use this format.
It is possible to extract information by parish, parishes or county showing all the Brickmakers of that area. This can then be printed as an A5 booklet in the form of a Gazetteer. Because of the format of the database a Gazetteer for any area, source or other heading can be produced. There are already 'queries' designed to extract information by county.
The fields are designed to use the GENMAP software, genealogical mapping programme by Stephen Archer. A map of the UK can be produced in either county fill or dot distribution format. Alternatively a snapshot of a county showing the dot distribution with parish names can be produced.